Communication Training -

Under the communication banner, the range of programs that are offered by Finntaito start with some fundamental ones that cover detailed sessions on language enhancement and the importance of better business communication for work effectiveness. Voice and accent related programs that also include accent neutralization and U.S. and U.K. accent development are covered under this training area.
This training vertical also covers programs that focus on the development of specific communication related competencies like public speaking, presentation, conversational English and interpersonal skills for all levels of the hierarchy and for individuals from all domains.
Finntaito particularly specializes in creating custom made training programs that suit and cater to specific challenges and issues faced by individuals and teams at all levels. Customized programs are designed, developed and delivered based on the highly effective ADDIE model. The workshops conducted by Finntaito are solution focused and include a range of training methodologies such as role plays, group exercises, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions, etc.
All of the communication programs offered by Finntaito help in competency development not just in the participant’s specific areas of work or in a particular context but also help individuals develop overall as better communicators. The larger focus is on ensuring clarity of communication and better results through communication.
Our Communication Programs
Advanced Communication Skills
Advanced Presentation Skills
Appreciative Enquiry
Business Communication
Communication and Presentation Skills
Conversational English
Counseling from an Organizational Context
Cross-Cultural Sensitization
Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness
Speaking in Public with Confidence
Transactional Analysis
Voice Effectiveness and Accent Neutralization
Verbal Communication Dynamics
Written Communication